Sunflower Village Book Club - The Art of Storytelling
Join us in this unique 8 week course of learning the art of storytelling. This class is based on an educational adventure book that was written and illustrated by us, the Carlin's. Our 7 year old Son illustrated the Stoked Katz Characters - it all started by drawing a cat with a hat, and it turned into many cats with many different hats. We as parents, saw this to be more than just hand drawings, we took the next steps into creating a book!
The characters, Stoked Katz, go on epic adventures + explore different ecosystems, farms, + places with the intention of learning, discovering, and seeking innovating ways to better the wellbeing of our current home, Earth.
The Stoked Katz share their journey through the art of storytelling, and they believe, that educating with direct experiences, can allow us to make better informed decisions when it comes to the future of the well being of our home and future generations to come.
Our intention is to have the educational books be an ongoing production and written/created by the students in this book club course. We will encourage students to create from a place that is rooted in adventure, discovery, creativity, exploration, and enriching real life experiences, that will educate the wholeness of the child reading the story. Each week the students will be given topics and story guidelines to work on, and at the end of the course we will piece all the loose parts together to create one finally story, (series 2).
The book will be printed and available for the students to purchase -
the students names will be in the book as the Authors/writers/illustraters!
Weeks 1-2: Introduction to the Stoked Katz Book/Read Aloud Series 1 + Brainstorming Story Topic for Book Series 2 - In these first weeks we will be introducting the first book of the Stoked Katz Adventures and reading it aloud! In the book, the Stoked Katz are introducting who they are, their mission, and they wil give a tour of their eco-village that they live in. The students will learn how this book was created and the beginning steps to creating a sequal book, as we write book number 2 as a group.
In the next week, the students will brainstorm topic ideas for where the Stoked Katz adventure to next - from there, we will dive into the details of how the Katz journey and dicover!
Weeks 3-4: Rough Draft Writing of Stoked Katz Adventure Story (series 2) -
These next weeks, the students will beging to put their ideas onto paper. This will take group participation and effort - and the groups will be small! Team building and collabration is a skill that will be a beneficial addition the process of the story writng. We will provide prompts as a guidline for the students to use, such as, plot, location, details, conflict, and solutions, ect... Students will have to put on their creative thinking caps!
Weeks 5-6: Rough Draft Illustrations of the Stoked Katz Adventure Story
(Series 2) - In these following weeks, we will focus on the illustrations and drawing out the written scenes. We will provide quality materials for the students to use and to cultivate beautifully hand drawn pages to the book.
Weeks 7-8: Finalizing the Stoked Katz Adventure Story (series 2) - These last weeks, we focus on peiecing all of the loose parts of the story that each group of students have worked on, and we will put it together to create one final story book! This is the most exciting part - seeing the final product! The students will understand and learn the in's and out's of the process and steps that it takes to write and publish a book.
We are looking forward with excitement to seeing what the students in the class come up with!
All payments must be paid in full by the first day of class.