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The Art Of American Sign Language

Join us in this 8 week beginners course learning American Sign Language.

Learn the beautiful language spoken with your hands. This is a beginners course to learning the language of American Sign Language. The dynamics of this ASL course will give you all of the tools to learn ASL, and to actively communicate within the deaf and hearing impaired community.

Our ASL class is unique because the instructor, Susie, grew up with ASL being her primary language, along with the spoken English language. Both of her parents are deaf/hearing impaired.

Susie can hear and has learned the ways of both the hearing world and the deaf world - and each reality is very different in it's essences.

Susie has cultivated throughout her life experiences, a beautiful marriage of both worlds and has a fun approach to teaching the class so that the ones learning the ASL truly grasp the language and culture in its entirety.

We will begin the class reviewing what we learned in the previous weeks with a short review of signing. From there, we will transistion into the next topics to be learned.

Week 1-2: Introduction of Alphabet, Numbers and Finger Spelling: We will be introducting the basics of tis beautiful language by starting at learn the alphabet and finger spelling. This is the foundation to learning to communicating in this language!

Week 3-4: Colors, Animals, Food + Drinks: We will begin the class reviewing what we learned in the previous weeks, and build upon them. We will be learning all the common signs for all the colors of the rainbow, animals, foods and drinks. These are simple and fun - most of you already know how to sign these topics and just don't even know it!

Week 5-6: Family Signs, Feelings, and Emotions: After the review of what weve been practicing and learning, we will jump into learning family signs, such as Father, Mother, brother and sister ect. We will also be learning of more complex topics such as emotions and feelings. This class will be the foundation to the following weeks when we begin to learn how to sign full senteces and communicate.

Week 7-8: Verbs and Key Nouns and Common Sentences: In these final weeks, we focus on bringing all that we learned and combine signs into sentences in order to start communicating in ASL.

Common sentences will look like; " Hello, how are you"?, " My name is..."?,

"I am happy".

We will be communicating in ASL amongst the group for practice and further learning. At the end of the course, students will be able to demonstrate simple sentences + be able to hold a conversation in ASL with clarity - students will be able to communicate using ASL amongst one another.

All payments must be paid in full by the first day of class.

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